What is the Mathnasium Method?

The Mathnasium Method is the life’s work of Larry Martinek, Mathnasium’s Chief Instructional Officer and a maths teacher and education consultant for over 35 years. It’s the best there is: a time-tested, personalised programme that employs diagnostics, instruction, worksheets, and manipulatives to build number sense, and with it, confidence and a deep understanding, and lifelong love of mathematics. Learn more about the Mathnasium Method.

Why do parents enrol their children in Mathnasium?

Mathnasium is effective, affordable, and highly specialised. We get results. This has been proven repeatedly in independent studies. Parents receive periodic reports detailing their child’s progress. Students enjoy their workouts. Most importantly, they acquire number sense – the ability to think mathematically. We focus on building a solid foundation of skills, which maximises each student’s success in school, on standardised tests like the 11-plus and beyond. There is a wonderful side-benefit from this process: students’ boosted self-confidence.

What does a student do at Mathnasium?

Mathnasium provides an appealing and welcoming environment where a student receives both instruction and practice. Each student works independently of other students, following a curriculum based precisely on the student’s individual needs. Teachers, who are rigorously trained in our materials and method, provide instruction, guidance and encouragement.