Make Summer Maths Part Of Your Summer Fun

By Louise | Added May 18, 2023


Summer is the time for visiting friends, BBQs, days at the beach and … maths? That’s right! It’s important for students to make maths a part of their summer so they don’t lose what they’ve learned during the school year. On average, children lose 2-3 months of maths skills during the summer months. This is such a common problem it’s widely known as the “summer slide.”

Many students have fallen behind in maths during the pandemic as well, and they’ve continued to struggle as a result. And, because maths knowledge is cumulative, maths learning loss must be remedied before students can progress. The sooner gaps are addressed, the less time it takes to remedy them.

The good news is you can reinforce their maths skills in all kinds of ways, even while enjoying your favorite summer activities. Work maths into your summer fun by calculating the mileage of any trips you take. Encourage your child to read maths-based books. Go on a trip to a science museum. Or keep stats on your favourite sports team throughout the season.

Enrolling your child in a summer maths programme is another great way to reinforce the maths knowledge they acquired last year and introduce new concepts that will help in the year ahead. Children have more time, are less tired and are better able to focus during their summer break, so they’re in a great position to make tremendous strides in a relatively short period of time. The key is to do it in a lively and supportive atmosphere where they’re having fun.

Mathnasium offers summer learning programmes that work with your family’s schedule, so your child can catch up and get ahead in maths without missing out on summer fun. Mathnasium summer programmes are unlike any other. Children receive the expert, face-to-face instruction that Mathnasium is known for, with additional emphasis on maths-related games, activities and fun events. Students who enrol will avoid summer learning loss and make up for time they lost during the pandemic, and they’ll also start the new school year with confidence.

Sharpening maths skills is the one summer activity that will benefit children for the rest of their lives! If interested in enrolling them in a summer programme with Mathnasium, call or visit your local learning centre today!